every time chris parnell is on screen, i’m like, this guy is so good and so underrated. hear it now!!!!
also let’s be real, cherisunreal. i will prob cry every time i hear “believe,” moonstruck remains genius.
though i prefer seeing people with real old faces and not all that smooth tight stuff but to each their own
after watching all the SNL 50th docs, howard stern highlights with cast members, all-time best sketches, the radio city music hall concert, and the live 50th show last night — i’m a bit high on SNL
unrelated, i feel like i’ve run into so many older people that have bitterness or resentment… please don’t let me get dour about things
saw this in fran magazine about BRIDGET JONES: MAD ABOUT THE BOY and it hit me (bolding my own) On surface level and in title alone, this seems like some typical Bridget Jones nonsense: she once again has to choose between two hot guys (Leo Woodall and Chiwetel Ejiofor — good work, these are two hot guys) for some reason and she continues to show up to work with bad hair because she is frazzled. Those aspects of the franchise, for lack of a better word, don’t especially interest me but they don’t piss me off either. I don’t think the who-will-she-wind-up-withs of the Jonesiverse really tell us anything or show us anything compelling about this character or modern womanhood. What a relief, then, that this is so mismarketed — a much stranger movie than any of the previews or promotional material would let on. It’s a romantic comedy that asks, Does getting the guy do anything to prevent the slow and inevitable march of time or cruelty of the world?
You are forgiven for assuming I’m not a good cook, but I can follow instructions, and if other people are involved, I’m happy to put in the effort. I used to cook a lot for my ex-girlfriend Molly, for instance, because she was even lazier about it than me. The one time she offered to help, I told her she could prep the potatoes, and she put a potato on the counter and just looked at it.
from the newsletter gloria (a newsletter for women in their 40s? generally?) (judgmental bolding my own):
All this reminded us of the The Cutessay titled “Let TikTok Die!” Similar to how a long vacation can make you realize you hate your job, “The temporary shutdown invited an uncomfortable period of introspection, as I thought back on the many hours of my one wild and precious life I’d spent scrolling my way to oblivion,” writes Shannon Keating. …Passively consuming video clips and hot takes from a thousand ignoramuses is not the best way to get your news. Particularly now. When tragic events like fires and plane crashes occur, a lot of know-nothings who think their voice needs to be heard are drowning out real experts.
those SNL docs (minus the writers one) (sorry writers)
this king sized bed
Teddy’s sweet lil face
horrible things
that plane crash in washington and what the poor air traffic controller and the person who had to leave early and the supervisor who allowed it are going through now (incredible essay about the [honestly inspiring] “just culture” of the aviation industry — “A just organizational culture recognizes that a high level of operational safety can be achieved only when the root causes of human error are examined; who made a mistake is far less important than why it was made.”)