boycotting the word “delish”

Posted: June 19th, 2006 | No Comments »

found this song today, i’ve listened to it about 20 times already. i thought it was a man at first or some long lost relative of canned heat. once i got over that, i was like, repeat repeat repeat repeat.

karen dalton “something is on your mind”

yo old ass

Posted: June 18th, 2006 | No Comments »

today i received a message on myspace from a “mark” in michigan.

subject line: sure
you are not 31 with yo old ass
but you still look good

does he mean me? does he mean s. epatha? who has an old ass but still looks good?!?!

we ate chicken tenders salad and then the bartender gave us free drinks

Posted: June 11th, 2006 | Tags: | No Comments »

made out with a 24-year-old ashton-kutcher/jordan catellano lookalike on friday night. this brings the grand total of “dudes under 26 that i’ve kissed in the last year” up to five. seems like a pattern? possibly? maybe? youngies what is the deal? why am i drawn to you? why, more importantly, are you drawn to me? is it the chicken tender salad on my breath? do you spell it? i mean smell it? also do you spell it.

wow is correct

Posted: June 9th, 2006 | Tags: | No Comments »

humans, you can read george saunders’ “commcomm” online.

got a new (temporary) theme because i couldn’t deal with having no sidebar

Posted: June 8th, 2006 | Tags: | 1 Comment »

real quick, while surfing my friends’ kodak photo galleries (err), i found this picture. I FIND IT HILARIOUS. chad and julie were waiting to see sharon jones at sxsw and had to sit through four hundred other bands, including marah. poor brahs. please note that julie is wearing a guns n’ roses shirt:

these are my for real brahs for life

no reason to post this song, except that it RULES.

timi yuro “what’s a matter baby”

“my hurtin is just about over…but baby. it’s. just. starting. for you.”

timi you are giving me shivers.

this made me laugh and laugh

Posted: June 8th, 2006 | 1 Comment »

courtesy of fitted sweats, a riff on guys who wear shorts year-round: “I’ve been around a lot of rock and roll production, and no matter what the weather, there is one (or more) guy(s) who is always wearing shorts. I guess it is the same way with film, tv, etc. I didn’t know that the desire to be unencumbered by pants was so huge amongst production dudes. … Somewhere in America there’s a ton of children whose main goal is to be able to wear shorts on their job when they grow up.”

allen odom, this one’s for you.

seen in pants 2-3 times over the past 5 years

one more thing about mind jamming (or: how i fixed the pink links and lost my sidebar)

Posted: June 5th, 2006 | Tags: | No Comments »

not to belabor this, but meeting new awesome people — it’s seriously almost thrilling. sometimes i start to feel like i’ve reached my limit for new genuine friends, that i’m too stubborn or hard or judgmental, i think everyone new is a dud, or if not a dud, there’s no real spark, and conversations are generally pleasant but can occasionally feel like slogging through mud. you forget that there are new people that you can instantly click with, that the perfect jam partners are out there, people you’re like jam-jam-jam-jam-jam-dude-we-could-jam-all-night. this happened to me saturday night, and it made me kind of stamp my feet because it was so awesome and life-affirming and exciting.

mind jamming

Posted: June 5th, 2006 | Tags: | No Comments »

so now i am thinking about things that i like, which feels much less hateful than my “things i hate” list:

tomatoes and salt
crosby street
the painted bird
meeting people that you instantly like

then i started to think about making a list of “things i regret” but then immediately realized that was a terrible idea.

what’s up with the pink links? a css mystery

Posted: June 3rd, 2006 | Tags: | No Comments »

here’s something i always want on sites like myspace or friendster: a section for dislikes. i feel guilty for wanting a place to talk about things i hate but welcome to my hate. a few things i would put in that section:

excessive horn honking

“everybody loves raymond”
the red hot chili peppers

that’s all i can think of right now. something i wouldn’t put in there: the song “tangerine,” as previously mentioned.

today i smell like gym socks

Posted: June 2nd, 2006 | No Comments »

i was in new york two weekends ago for my friend patrick’s wedding, and i listened to this song while riding the bus from newark airport into manhattan at 7:30am saturday morning.

ladyhawk “dugout”

it sounded like possibility and happiness and everything awesome about new york city and weddings and cheap efficient buses from newark to manhattan.

the jam maybe goes on too long but i still love it.

also i love new york city.