beautiful kimonos

Posted: November 30th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

KIMONObeautiful kimono from the exhibition and book, “kimono: a modern history.” wish i’d seen this exhibition when i was in nyc. sad story about the author:

The textiles historian Terry Satsuki Milhaupt had nearly finished her comprehensive book on kimonos when she committed suicide in 2012. Her widower, Curtis J. Milhaupt, heroically completed her work, “Kimono: A Modern History” (Reaktion Books/University of Chicago Press), and a show of the same title, based on her scholarship, opens on Sept. 27 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and runs through Jan. 24. …

Her largely secret decline into depression, he said, resulted from menopausal hormone changes. After her death, he said, “Conrad [their high-school age son] kept me going through many of these dark nights.”

real conversation today

Posted: November 30th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

MOM: Have you read the paper today?
ME: Not yet. But I want to read that article about heroin (“Heroin Takes Over a House, and Mom”)
MOM: That could be me
ME: That could be you?!
MOM: Actually thought about it a lot.

love this

Posted: November 29th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »
Fantastic ebay description for the SF Giants(even year!) jacket I just nabbed.  It&#8217;s always nice to have a better sense of who you&#8217;re buying from.  He&#8217;s low-key&#8230;.but honest! <br /><br /> Giant jacket size large in good shape and clean. No tears or rips. Cuffs and neck not worn or frayed. I live in the bay area so I don;t need to wear a jacket that often.  And I got fat so it don&#8217;t fit me now. And the Giants won again.

Fantastic ebay description for the SF Giants (even year!) jacket I just nabbed.  It’s always nice to have a better sense of who you’re buying from.  He’s low-key….but honest!

Giant jacket size large in good shape and clean. No tears or rips. Cuffs and neck not worn or frayed. I live in the bay area so I don;t need to wear a jacket that often.  And I got fat so it don’t fit me now. And the Giants won again.


Posted: November 29th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

“My style is community-college librarian.”

— Zach Galifianakis

(via i have two things)

40 things to be grateful for

Posted: November 27th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »


  1. my family, every last one of them, even my crazy dad aunts
  2. my friends, every last one of them and beyond
  3. ross
  4. ross’ giggle
  5. the office, just really really am enjoying this show, can’t totally explain it. steve carell’s timing!
  6. eggnog, soy nog, all manners of nog
  7. champagne
  8. paris
  9. making my first pie crust today?
  10. the idea of shearling boots
  11. banana pudding
  12. whipped cream
  13. rainy days
  14. coffee
  15. new york times crossword puzzle
  16. clyde
  17. swimming in the ocean
  18. bbq sauce
  19. little baby cheeks
  20. the morning report and news roundup every morning in the new york times
  21. staying in dan’s guest room
  22. listening to opera when i think of it
  23. the heartless bastards
  24. bob dylan’s live 1966: the royal albert hall concert
  25. bruce springsteen born in the USA
  26. aretha franklin’s “baby, i love you”
  27. gerry rafferty’s “right down the line”
  28. extra blankets
  29. a mom taken care of
  30. fleetwood mac
  31. pickles
  32. warm beds
  33. the laundry machines IN our house
  34. not being in the hospital
  35. van morrison
  36. ginger ale every now and again
  37. little dogs that like to curl up near your feet
  38. thrift stores
  39. seat warmers in cars (ooooooooh)
  40. good health
  41. shipley’s donuts
  42. the scene at shipley’s donuts on thanksgiving morning

with that, john lennon, wearing a red-lined cape

Posted: November 27th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

from the ny times:

“Seeing it’s Thanksgiving,” Elton John said at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 28, 1974, “we thought we’d make tonight a little bit of a joyous occasion by inviting someone up with us.”

With that, John Lennon, wearing a red-lined black cape and holding a guitar triumphantly aloft, trotted onstage to deafening cheers.

The band kicked into “Whatever Gets You Through the Night,” which had just become Lennon’s first No. 1 post-Beatles hit.

i just really like john lennon blazing out in that cape. (worst screenshot)

john lennon


Posted: November 26th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

breathing tool photo 2

i had surgery last week! this is me in the middle of the night trying to use my breathing tool and also my stomach bruise, which made me feel tough. also those are really weird hospital issue underpants.


  1. i’d only had outpatient surgery once and it was to remove this harmless fatty lump on my stomach and it was when i was working at yahoo! and miserable, so any excuse to be away from the office. the anesthesia was awesome and i woke up super loopy and happy and gerard picked me up and took me to the pharmacy and then dropped me off at my house and i watched that magician movie with the top hats while on pain pills and i was like, MY LIFE RULES!
  2. this time i had to spend the night in the hospital, which was honestly a bit grim, even though i had a private room (total luxury, made me cry when they told me). they keep waking you up every hour and also asking if you are using your breathing tool, but i was always trying to sleep, so no, not using the breathing tool. also a lot of people are fussing over you and also you’re forbidden drink and food and you have to ask for ice chips to wet your lips and basically it’s pretty dreary. also you have to wear compression socks, which were surprisingly ok, but seem sad in my suitcase after the fact. anyway, i could not wait to leave. poor everyone who has to spend time in there and also poor everyone who has to have serious surgeries.
  3. this anesthesiology was NOT SEXY. it was like waking up kinda sick feeling and then nauseous and sleepy and then also later constipated. COOL.
  4. also i had a catheter!!!!!!!!! i somehow convinced myself that it wasn’t a catheter, it was some new amazing technology attached to my bladder, where you never felt like going to the bathroom but it took care of it for you. it was a catheter.
  5. my friends and family have all been incredibly awesome, and actually work has been awesome, too. truth be told i would not mind continuing this regimen of lying around not eating and getting presents and sipping egg nog and figuring out how to get two of the “best short stories of the year” for free on the web.


carametzel rod

Posted: November 26th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »


seems like unnecessary merging on these words, THOUGH if you say it enough in an italian accent, you kind of like it, so i see what maybe happened here.

things i love about clyde

Posted: November 16th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »
  • his silky ears
  • how he huffs when he hears noises
  • how his haunches look like rabbit haunches
  • how he looks animatronic sometimes
  • his head dimple
  • his polka dots
  • his auburn coloring
  • how he likes to snuggle
  • NOT how he likes to bark
  • how he likes soft beds

also a good song: stevie wonder’s “if you really loved me.” let’s listen here for a bit.


Posted: November 16th, 2014 | Tags: | No Comments »

from the essential guide to hysterectomy:

Without a doubt, the most common question about anatomy involves the mystery of the empty space. Women are really concerned about what’s going to happen to the void left by the uterus. Picture this. If you have a bowl of spaghetti with a large meatball in the middle and a few smaller meatballs on the side, and then someone removes the large meatball, the space the meatball formerly occupied is replaced by the spaghetti. No one would know that the meatball was ever there.