live from my spam folder
Posted: November 26th, 2015 | Tags: Uncategorized | No Comments »seems like a cruel way to spread an email virus: trick people who are hopeful for (strangely solicited) work (“an empty post, as a secret consumer”)
Good Day
seems like a cruel way to spread an email virus: trick people who are hopeful for (strangely solicited) work (“an empty post, as a secret consumer”)
Good Day
thankful for:
tracy anderson on her daily approach to health:
I have my workout come 9, 9:30, and I am popping a Zicam Total Immune plus Performance Support Orange Burst melt in my mouth right before my workout.
People need to learn to take care of that little tiny kid inside of them and learn how to put their adult diapers on and show up for their health. If you don’t give yourself a healthy option, then basically you’re an adult that’s not wearing diapers and you’re making a mess everywhere of your health. It’s really that simple.
live from a lawyer conference in new jersey
[end question]
from “Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gloria Steinem on the Unending Fight for Women’s Rights”:
GS: I think Ruth is better at getting along with people with whom we profoundly disagree. I feel invisible in their presence because I’m being treated as invisible. But what we want in the future will only happen if we do it every day. So, kindness matters enormously. And empathy. Finding some point of connection.
RBG: Sometimes not listening helps, too. Do you know about this opera “Scalia/Ginsburg” by a talented musician who went to law school? Scalia’s opening aria is: “The Justices are blind. How can they possibly spout this? The Constitution says nothing about this.” And I answer: “You are searching in vain for a bright-line solution for a problem that isn’t so easy to solve. But the beautiful thing about our Constitution is that, like our society, it can evolve.” Then she goes into a jazzy part. Let it grow.
this is a pretty good episode of over/under!
from an interview with daniel jones, editor of the ny times column modern love:
Q. O.K., tell us, what, after reading thousands of tales, have you learned about modern love?
A. Hard question to answer in just a paragraph or two! I’ve learned that in love it’s best to be kind and curious. You can make a relationship or marriage last a long time through simple kindness, and you can experience a lot of joy in life by being curious and openhearted about what’s to come.
also loving this song
The woman walks up the mountain
and then down. She wades into the sea
and out. Walks to the well,
pulls up a bucket of water
and goes back into the house.
She hangs wet clothes.
Takes clothes back to fold them.
Every evening she crochets
from six until dark.
Birds, flowers, stars. Her rabbit lives
in an empty donkey pen. The sea is out
there as far as the stars.
Always quiet.
No one there. She may not believe
in anything. Not know
what she is doing. Every morning
she waters the geranium plant.
And the leaves smell like lemons.
“Being” by Linda Gregg from In the Middle Distance. © Graywolf Press. Reprinted with permission. Courtesy of the Writer’s Almanac.