make this money
Posted: February 28th, 2018 | Tags: Uncategorized | No Comments »inspired by this
good one from edward albee’s three tall women in “laurie metcalf was hiding in plain sight”:
In the case of “Three Tall Women,” she was drawn in by the play’s melancholy exploration of aging and the unexpected humor of its bare-bones writing style — like the moment when C says to B, “I imagine I’ll marry and I’ll be very happy,” to which B replies only, “Well.”
simone invited me to participate in this women of marfa series, which was so flattering, because i feel like i am no longer a woman of marfa, more like a lonely ghost shut-in.
why would you ever want to make people feel like this? via coveteur:
California-based designer Jenni Kayne has made her name in the kind of easy, minimalist essentials you find yourself reaching for for years. Looking for the perfect pointed flat? Jenni Kayne. The perfect navy crewneck? Jenni Kayne. Her blog, Rip & Tan, documents the lives of other seemingly perfectly *together* women—fair warning, it might make you want to change everything about your own life.
kenesha sneed, women
sneed’s father unexpectedly passed away this week — donate to this fund to help cover his funeral expenses and spread some kindness. via annfriedman and CYG.