just feel like blowing off EVERYTHING. just want to focus on getting a job in austin and hanging out with family and friends and not worry about any other anything ever again. like overdue t-mobile hotspot bills. also will there ever be a time when i can just chill and not work? or rather, more realistically, work and somewhat chill. (see my dream of becoming a stoner librarian.) i’m so tired and overwhelmed while still crying from how wonderful it all is.
the elevator ride down to the hospital. glad to be on the outside but the whole thing sucks so bad for everyone (patient, staff, visitors). poor mom. feel guilty for leaving wednesday to go to the library conference, but lou is coming, which is a blessing.
just read the excellent obituary for music industry legend seymour stein — who signed the ramones, madonna, talking heads, the pretenders; founded sire records; etc. etc. — which led me to this article about the murder (!) of his ex-wife (and ramones manager) (!), linda s. stein. this bit:
The Steins eventually grew apart, and divorced in the late 1970s. A Vanity Fair profile of Ms. Stein later quoted her ex-husband as saying: “Our marriage for me was like eight years on a roller coaster, and not always strapped in.”
Elton John (maybe?), unknown person, Bette Midler, Seymour Stein, Linda Stein, no photographer or date listed, courtesy of this site