i mean, really, what is it all about. had a two-day, head-exploding headache, think it had to do with food (?) (maybe? like allergies to foods? like macadamia nuts? bad strawberries? probably nonsense) or maybe work-life exhaustion (return to library, tons to do, two arguments with mom, two days in a row, unclear how to handle her, feel like giving up), and just — just honestly wanting to retire. to watch ken burns documentaries and read sci fi. but instead i need to do laundry and go grocery shopping and recycle and plan this library party and plan the future and figure out my mom write a grant and etc etc. ZZZZZZZZZZZ BLAH BLAH BLAH WASTED PERSON WASTE OF SPACE
Posted: August 8th, 2023 | Tags:Uncategorized | No Comments »Paul Reubens posing as Pee-wee Herman in 1980. Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images, courtesy of The New York Times.
REUBENS: …And then we moved to Florida. And moving to Florida was, like, incredible. I thought we moved to Hawaii. I thought we were in the tropics or something. And my mother took us to go get back-to-school clothes. And I bought all these beachcomber outfits. So I showed up for the first day of school in fourth grade in Florida with, like, clamdigger pants on and these nautical shirts and — like a total freak.
And the kids at school were like, What are YOU supposed to be? And the thing that was funny about it in hindsight is, like, normally in that kind of situation I think the kids would probably — you would probably go like, Oh, oh, sorry. You know, I didn’t know what it was — but me, I was totally like, Don’t you get it? You know, I’m a beachcomber. What’s wrong with you guys?
And instead, like, the next day, I, like, put out another variation of the same outfit and put it on and got back to school and was like, You know, these kids are going to come around or they’re not — whatever. But I’m not changing.
reading a juicy book (DUH, but there’s nothing like it!)
the can song “thief”
audio commentaries for movies, especially the bottle rocket one (thank you to john for the tip)
lattes (black coffee also good but doesn’t have quite the same treat-esque vibration) ETC A LOT OF OTHER STUFF BUT THIS IS WHAT IS REALLY COMING TO MIND TODAY