you don’t look like you’ve lived next door to anyone

Posted: June 30th, 2024 | Tags: | No Comments »
Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda attend the 44th Academy Awards in Los Angeles on April 10, 1972. Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images. Courtesy of Rolling Stone.

one more thing about donald sutherland — i loved him in everything i saw him in, especially invasion of the body snatchers and without limits, and found him to be, as matt zoller seitz says, “sexy as hell” — and loved this bit in his ny times obituary:

With his long face, droopy eyes, protruding ears and wolfish smile, the 6-foot-4 Mr. Sutherland was never anyone’s idea of a movie heartthrob. He often recalled that while growing up in eastern Canada, he once asked his mother if he was good-looking, only to be told, “No, but your face has a lot of character.” He recounted how he was once rejected for a film role by a producer who said: “This part calls for a guy-next-door type. You don’t look like you’ve lived next door to anyone.”

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